Even though The Steering Committee at the Multicultural Gospel Church have a Fourth of July Celebration planned; Junior’s group would provide a mens vest sets fashion show.

Montique v-137 two piece mens vest set
At a previous meeting of the steering committee, it had been decided to host a fashion show for the teens. This will be the finale to the Fourth of July Festival. This is just before the fireworks of course.
Several of the town’s small businesses had promised to kick in various items as props or items for sale. Furthermore, they also want to finance the fashion show. Abby Fashions had generously agreed to donate $2.00 from each of her items sold. In additional, they will donate $2.00 for each item from her Montique Men’s Two Piece Vest and Pants Set.
Monologue by Montique, Men’s Pants and Vest Sets
Junior, as the newest Elder and “best dressed” was specifically chosen by Pastor Harris. Miss Harris chose Suzie to organize the event and supervise the teens.
Junior, wanting to be diplomatic and knowing he was the newest Elder and he wanted to give the teens a choice. He presented several options including men vest sets to the young men in his newly formed Teens Living for Christ group.

Montique Mens Vest Set v-139 Khaki
Ultimately, they chose to feature Abby Fashions men’s dress vest sets. Junior, of course, had pointed out the possibility of making a lot more cash for the church treasury, and men’s dress vest set were a lot cooler for the July event.
However, one of the teens proposed they be allowed to wear a matching hat with their men’s dress vest set, if they wanted, as wearing a hat would keep the bright lights out of their eyes. Then, he added, “Plus, we’d like to look as cool as you and Big Boi, Elder Junior!” Everyone started laughing and he kind of shrunk down a little until he realized what he had said. They added, “Yeah, that does sound kind of funny, like an oxymoron”. I suggested they just call me Elder, although I thought about I wasn’t much older than most of them. I could not have them calling me Junior. Some parents and Pastor Harris would take that as disrespect, and I didn’t want to get them in trouble. I agreed, but no baseball caps!
The ladies had decided to feature the Moshita Couture Spring & Summer line, as their designs were simple, yet elegant, and cool enough for a mid-summer fashion show, plus they would match the men’s dress vest sets better.
The clincher was Abby Fashions always low prices for everything in her online fashion magazine.
Junior and Suzie, had decided to remain cool, calm, and collected; Even-though they were even under the bright lights as emcees for the event. Junior chose the Olive Dressy, Monologue by Montique, men’s two-piece vest and pants set. Suzie decided on the Emerald, one-piece Renova Moshita Dress to compliment her man’s color choice.
Actually, Junior and Suzie had spent many hours together organizing everything from the stage setup. Furthermore, they organize what each model would wear. This was a grueling task, but both were up to the task, at least they hoped so, only time would tell.
The Fourth of July, Moshita, and Mens Vest Sets
The night of the Fourth was a smashing success, and Abby Fashions brought in a lot of money for the church treasury. Many of the parents had positive comments about the men’s pants and vest sets, and of course, the young ladies stunting Moshita fashions, but the mens vest sets seemed to be the big draw.
Monologue by Montique Mens Vest Sets V-24 Olive
Even G-Mom sitting in the front row seemed to agree as she nodded her head enthusiastically. The Montique men’s pants and vest sets sold the most and all the boys were happy to be able to wear a vest instead of a jacket and tie in this heat, and of course, their hats.
Junior and Suzie finally got to spend some alone time during the fireworks. They talked and laughed about their mistakes and missteps. They also laughed about the models. Finally, they agreed that the teens, the Moshita designs, and the Montique men vest set had a been the stars of the show.
Men’s Two-Piece Vest and Pants Set Make Great Christmas Gifts, too!
Too hot for a jacket and tie? Keep your cool in a Montique Men’s Two Piece Vest and Pants Set. Abby Fashions vest sets could be the perfect answer to what to wear to church this Sunday. And, with all those vest sets on sale, it’s a good opportunity to stock up and pick up some great Christmas gifts, as well. Yes, it’s only July, but with these great prices why procrastinate?
Order as many men vest set as you like, but get free shipping with a total receipt of $150 or more.
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